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![]() I’m not much of a television person. Oh, I have some favorites. Some of the cooking shows are on the top of my list. Ones like Top Chef on Bravo and Chopped on the Food Network. Say Yes To The Dress on TLC has been a go-to over the years. I mean, who doesn’t like Randy Fenoli btw who now has his own creations. I’m a Big Bang Theory fan. Bazinga. No, really. I could be friends with those people. Even though I’ve seen every episode so man time, I’ll flip TBS on for background noise and leave it there while doing things. One of my favorite new series on television is PBS-All Creatures Great And Small. Years ago, I devoured all the James Herriot books. There have been other incarnations of the books. But this one? It’s beautiful, sweet, touching, funny. So, what’s my rant? Scrolling through the news on my phone, I spotted “What’s wrong with PBS’s All Creatures Great and Small.” Nothing, I thought, then allowed myself to be lured over to some guy’s commentary on the show. I won’t say who because I choose not to give him any publicity. He believes it’s too nice. Such a mean spirit he had. I wanted to comment on his blog, but there was nowhere to do it. He was probably afraid to after venting his spleen about how unrealistic and pretty the show was. But guess what? I have my own blog, so this is how I would have replied. Dear Sir, What is wrong with us taking sixty minutes of our lives to just escape. The world around us is often brutal and terrifying. The reason I write romance is because of the Happily Ever After. Is that real? Maybe not. In today’s society, per 2021 statistics of https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/divorce-rate-by-state In the United States, about 50% of married couples divorce, the sixth-highest divorce rate in the world. Subsequent marriages have an even higher divorce rate: 60% of second marriages end in divorce, and 73% of all third marriages end in divorce. Does that mean I can’t enjoy Jane and John growing old surrounded by loving children and grandchildren? I’m also a fan of the Avengers. Why? Because good always prevails. At least in the ones I’ve seen. Not so much in the world we live in. I keep waiting for some awful people to get their comeuppance. I’m kind of old fashion that way. Then my mind went to social media in all it’s forms. My posts avoid controversial subjects. I try to post fun, uplifting, and sometimes off-the-wall things. My adventures in cooking, for instance. Remember no names here, but sorry. My dinner came out delicious despite your comment that’s not the way to do it. I smiled and moved on because I refused to be drawn into the negative drama. Life is short, people. The world can be mean. There’s a saying that goes Friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. So Mr. Nameless on your blog, I’m sorry for you. I’m sorry for anyone who can’t be happy themselves and try to steal the joy from others. Am I a Polly Anna? I sure hope so. I want to see the good in others. I want to enjoy lovely stories, movies, and television. Darn it, I like the HEA. I demand it! When someone follows me on social media, I take the time to scroll through their feeds. I look at their attitude more than their posts. I remember a conversation with my teenage son. We were in the car driving, and he was asking me questions. After a moment, I realized what he was doing and said, “You don’t want to have a discussion. You want to score points. Sorry, I don’t play that game.” In today’s society, you can voice your opinion as long as it coincides with whatever the other person is saying. Here’s a quote from Miss Manner’s in an interview for the Harvard Business Review in 2003. Oddly, in today’s social realm, honesty seems to trump every other moral value. Truth has become so overblown in situations of criminal wrongdoing that people will say, “Well, I don’t mind that he did this or that, but then he lied about it”—as if the lie were the worst part, which it is not. I’m not recommending lying, but I am saying that you have to judge a lie within the context of other values. And whether you are in a business or a social setting, it is not valuable to go around all the time spewing your own truths, which are often mere opinions. Can we please relearn manners, elegance, and kindness? Can we stop staring at the train wreck for a moment and gaze upon things that, though maybe fictional, give us joy and happiness without guilt? Look at art for its face value? Not nitpick stuff to pieces. Hello, Mr. No Name, All Creatures Great And Small is meant to entertain, not be an encyclopedia of historical events. Yes, it’s based on the life and times of a country vet; however, have you heard of poetic license. I’m a farm girl. I read this book while living on a dairy farm in Minnesota. I know the calf grows into a cow and what the future may hold. Yes, there was a war brewing and depression when he was penning this book. Geez, if I want those realities, I’ll go to the history channel, which by the way, broadcasts many shows that are dramatized based on history. I’m leaping (figuratively) off of my soapbox now. Please I implore you find your joy and don’t let any Mr. Nameless steal it from you. Hugs and kisses from D. who feels so much better know. 😘
Margo Karolyi
1/29/2022 08:27:11 am
"Can we please relearn manners, elegance, and kindness? Can we stop staring at the train wreck for a moment and gaze upon things that, though maybe fictional, give us joy and happiness without guilt? Look at art for its face value? Not nitpick stuff to pieces." YES, YES, YES PLEASE. I am so sick of reading negative reviews, articles, opinions, etc. Let's live our lives in peace and harmony and let others live theirs the same way. If you don't "agree" with something, fine, but don't beat it to death with a stick. I love your "counter point" and the way it is written - neat, tidy, clean, and non-offensive. Well said!
D. V. Stone
1/29/2022 10:58:16 am
Margo, right! I want to smile. I want to laugh so hard my ribs hurt, not at someone but with someone. Darn it, I want 🌞🦄. Thanks for visiting. D. 1/29/2022 11:20:09 am
Seems like most people have nothing better to do than criticize others. I agree Life IS Too Short (for pettiness, bullshit and drama - is my motto) 1/29/2022 06:00:21 pm
Absolutely. It's one of the best series I've seen in more years than I can count. And the books were that nice, too. And that comforting. And that funny. And...
D. V. Stone
1/29/2022 06:26:18 pm
You know it, Liz. Thanks for stopping by. D.
D. V. Stone
1/29/2022 06:32:16 pm
I even enjoy the opening with the illustrations and music. 😊 1/30/2022 01:20:28 pm
I love good overcoming evil in all forms - usually in books, movies, tv. Why can't we enjoy that? And those HEAs - yes! We want hope, humanity, happiness.
D. V. Stone
1/30/2022 01:31:10 pm
Grassroots movement "Unite Pollyannas Everywhere " our motto- Take back happiness! Comments are closed.
Your Host D.V. StoneAward winning multi-genre author and blogger. Fantasy, romance, mid-grade. Nothing better than a campfire, book, and glass of wine. Okay maybe there is.📚 Follow Me!
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January 2025