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Welcome to Around the Fire. One of the things about relaxing around the fire is not stressing even when things aren’t working out. Sometimes, it’s so hard to get the fire going. I carry a multitude of options to start a blaze. Kindling, fire starters, lighter fluid, and even a propane torch. You think they work in every situation. I can tell you sometimes even the torch can’t get the spark into a flame. Wet wood is notoriously hard to get and then keep going. What do you do? Perseverance and the nuclear option. I have a military-grade starter that I use for worst-case scenarios and use it sparingly in only those situations where all else fails. Why am I telling you this? Well, today’s guest and I experienced one of those times where no matter what we did, his email and my email refused to cooperate. It went on for days. Okay, no stress. Let’s use different emails. I have several. It worked, and I’m pleased to bring today’s author spotlight to you. J. L. let’s get this fire roaring with a nice warm cuppa. What’s your go-to for such a time as this? For around the fire, there’s nothing better than a mug of hot chocolate with a splash of Bailey’s. I make a mean cup of cocoa and just happen to have Bailey’s on hand. So, while I concoct the warm miracle in the cup, why don’t you introduce yourself to our other guests? I’ve spent the past fifteen years married to a woman who inspires me by following her passion as a chef. Together, we have two amazing pre-teen daughters who teach me how to be a better parent every day while pretending they don’t love my dad jokes. That’s what a relationship should do, isn’t it? Inspire the partner. Oh, and though I’m not a chef, I love to cook, especially over the open fire. I love dad jokes. What interests besides writing do you enjoy? For instance, what do you read or hobbies you have? Like most writers, I love to read. When I signed with my publisher, I connected with other authors who debuted when I did. We’ve bonded over reading and critiquing each other’s work. That forced me to read outside of my usual genres, which has been an incredible experience. I’ve had the pleasure of reading novels I’d have never picked up on my own, like steamy romances. I’ve developed such respect for writers who can pen sexy scenes without sounding silly or gross. It’s an art form I’ll always envy. Ah, the community and all the creatives in it. No matter what genre you enjoy, it’s always good to expand and learn. Who is your network or support system? This would be any groups/authors/friends/family who contribute to your writing career. Beta readers are an essential part of my support system. I have close friends I use as my first-tier reviewers, then I go to beta readers who I may or may not know that well. I’ve also been a member of the St. Louis Writers Guild for many years, which has been an invaluable resource for connecting with beta readers and learning about the business of publishing. In fact, the guild’s annual conference is where I pitched to the publisher I ultimately signed with. For those who are wondering, Beta readers get first looks at an author’s work. The author wants to know if the story connects to the reader. This is not editing. It’s mostly what you like, didn’t like, or became confused about in the book. J. L., who or what books or authors are your inspiration? When I grew up, the young adult genre wasn’t as huge as it is today, so as a kid, I read Stephen King and Anne Rice (not sure what that says about me). Having a personal passion for fairy tale retellings, I recently finished King’s Fairy Tale, and at 76, he can still weave a riveting story. I’m also obsessed with Leigh Bardugo (Shadow & Bone trilogy and Six of Crows duology). She has an ability to tell very complicated narratives in ways that feel effortless. I read most of Mr. King’s earlier works, including his fantasy, Eye of the Dragon. Anne Rice’s books were also on my must-read list. She was an amazing story weaver. Let’s talk about you for a bit. What is your neighborhood like? Are there any places you frequent? What makes them special? I live in the suburbs of St. Louis. We’re just a few minutes from the city, with dozens of diverse neighborhoods. As foodies, we like to spend our free time exploring new restaurants in the city’s vibrant food scene. Recently, I had my first Afghan meal at a small family-run restaurant, and it was delicious! Yummy! I’m pretty adventurous with my food and love trying new things. My hubby, not so much. If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be? Don’t focus on publishing, enjoy the writing process. The average author has written 3.24 novels before their first publication. The average page count of a young adult novel is 340 pages, so the typical published young adult author has penned an average of 1,100 pages before they ever see their book on a bookstore shelf, if they do at all. I’d tell myself early on to enjoy the process of writing, rewriting, and rewriting again. To relish learning from experts, coaching new writers, and reimagining a chapter for the twentieth time. Good advice. How do you choose your character’s names? I flip through directories, online and paper. White pages, yellow pages, baby name books, local newspapers, or local listings online. Nothing feels more satisfying than stumbling on a name and thinking, That’s it! Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad or good ones? I find reviews to be valuable feedback tools. In this business, you must be open to feedback—good and bad. I use reviews to learn what people think I’m doing well or should do differently. I don’t totally alter my style based on one review, but I file the collective feedback away as something to think about. Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find? Speaking of how I select names for characters, sometimes I pick names that are an easter egg or a veiled reference. In From Brick & Darkness, Bax frequents a comic book store and has discussions with its owner about superheroes. So while I found the name Baxter in a directory, his last name—Allen—is an easter egg for the Flash’s identity, Barry Allen. And his love interest, Scarlet Lane, is a nod to Lois Lane. My hubby, Pete, is my greatest cheerleader and shoulder to cry on. Does your family support your career as a writer? Absolutely! In sixth grade, my parents gave me a word processor, so I wrote a science fiction serial. Every Friday, I’d distribute three chapters, comprised of 12 pages, to my friends. I watched way too much tv as a kid, so of course, my story had cliffhangers right before school breaks and a climax at the end of the year like a season finale. For our first anniversary, my wife found those pages at my parents’ house and had them bound. Let me tell you, reading today how a sixth grader wrote romantic scenes is just as embarrassing as it is funny. Worst household chore? There is only one correct answer to this question: ironing. I honestly don’t mind chores. There’s something cathartic about doing dishes or cleaning. But ironing is a thankless, horrible, miserable chore that I’ve never mastered and have no desire to. Ironing? What’s that. I throw them back in the dryer with a damp cloth. Poof! No wrinkles. J. L., thanks for being my guest today. One last favor: before you go, can you leave some information about your book and where we can find out more about it and you? From Brick & Darkness by J. L. Sullivan Teen & Young Adult Paranormal & Urban Fantasy Teen & Young Adult Coming of Age Fantasy The most powerful wishes aren't said with words. Bax always fantasized something remarkable would happen in his life. So when a decrepit man with glowing purple eyes offers him a ring intended for his estranged father, Bax accepts. The ring speaks to Bax in a dream, tempting him with a vision of a powerful djinn. Desperate to make his fantasies a reality, Bax unleashes a creature called Ifrit, but soon learns this djinn isn't what the ring led him to believe. Feeding off the depths of his subconscious, the sinister demon fulfills what he thinks Bax wants by manipulating, threatening, and murdering. With everyone he loves in danger and a trail of crimes pointing back at him, Bax must scramble to solve the puzzle that will banish Ifrit forever. Get your copy today www.amazon.com/Brick-Darkness-J-L-Sullivan-ebook/dp/B09THQ24TC www.barnesandnoble.com/w/from-brick-darkness-j-l-sullivan/1141068076 books.apple.com/us/book/from-brick-darkness/id1611997560 More about the author.
J. L. Sullivan writes young adult novels inspired by gritty urban environments and the fantastical tales that percolate within abandoned buildings and desolate alleys. He began his writing journey in high school with a local newspaper before venturing into creating writing in college where he found himself lost in contemporary stories with magic summering just underneath the surface. His debut novel about a dark reimagining of an ancient myth won multiple awards following its spring 2022 release. He currently lives in St. Louis with his wife, two daughters, and a dog named Princess Penelope Picklesworth. He loves to connect with readers on social media or by email at [email protected]. Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok Phew! We're almost through January. I haven't seen, nor experienced the month in two years. Of course it was the snowiest and coldest since we were last in New Jersey over the winter. Hubby and I tried to keep busy but I hate going out in the cold. Some antiquing, and vintage shopping happened. We had game night with friends. I finished reading a couple of books and I'm working on two of my own. Now without further chatter by me, please enjoy today's New Release Spotlight. Soul Masters: The Hunting Grounds Soul Masters - Book One by K.R. Gastreich Paranormal Romance February 7, 2024 He wants to claim her soul. But can she capture his heart? About On a hike through the forest, Mayela stumbles into a terrifying world where immortals hunt souls. To survive she secures protection from a Soul Master. When he demands payment, Mayela fights back. But how can she fight the desire consuming her heart? Every soul Nathan claims expands the power of his realm. In Mayela, he finds a rare gift that could guarantee his place among the Soul Masters. All he must do is secure her allegiance without losing his heart. And Nathan has no heart to lose. Or does he? With eternity at stake, Mayela and Nathan ignite a transcendent passion that breaks all the rules. Among the Soul Masters, a malevolent force awakens. The final hunt is on… Pre-order your copy today. Amazon BN Bookshop A peek inside. Then everything froze. Joni, the customers, the cars outside. All movement simply stopped. The chime on the front door sounded. My throat went dry. Somehow, I knew what was happening. I knew who had arrived, though I didn’t understand how or why. Twisting around, I peered over the rim of the booth. Standing in the doorway was the man from my hallucinations, a creature of the dark plains. Tall and slim, broad-shouldered, dark in aspect. That same man had beheaded a snake in my kitchen. Not my kitchen, I reminded myself. The illusion of my kitchen, part of the same hallucination of an impossible world. The Hunting Grounds, he’d called it. Where we go to hunt souls. My mind spun with the impossibility of what I was seeing. He couldn’t be real. Yet here he was, in Joni’s shop. Except, he looked different. His hair was peppered gray instead of black. His skin seemed a shade darker. Or maybe lighter? It was like wrapping my head around a mirage, trying to remember what he looked like in my nightmares. But the simple force of his presence, the quiet luminescence of his spirit, was unmistakable. That was him. Without so much as a glance in my direction, the man stepped into the shop and started toward the counter. Everything stirred at once. Several people looked his way. Joni let go a long, low whistle. “Well, I’ll be!” she exclaimed. “We haven’t had anyone that drop-dead gorgeous walk in here since…Well, ever!” She kept staring, mouth agape, as he ordered coffee. Then her face lit up, and she jumped into action, wiping down the table next to me. “I’ve got an idea,” she said. “I think you should go for him.” “What?” I croaked. “He’s totally your style.” “I don’t date men in suits.” “What are you talking about?” She laughed. “Look at him! It’s fate. I can feel it.” “Joni –” “Sir!” She called. “Sir, we’ve got an empty table right over here. Next to the windows.” Holy crap! I sank deeper into my seat. “I’m serious, Joni! Send him somewhere else.” “Straighten up, beautiful.” She patted me on the shoulder. “Give it a shot. What’ve you got to lose?” Then she was gone. I cast about frantically for an escape, but there was no back exit from the booth. Unless I wanted to crash through the window. Could I do that? Crash through the window? Yeah, I could do that. But I’d have to leave my insects behind, and – And there he was, taking the table next to me. His chair scraped against the floor. His clothes rustled as he settled in. Minutes passed while my heart pounded inside my chest. I kept my face turned, pretended to stare out the window, wondered whether it would hurt to feel the glass shatter against my skin. Idle talk filled the coffee shop. Customers came and went, orders were taken, steam forced through frothing milk. Still the man said nothing. I snuck a glance in his direction. Damn, he was handsome. Heart stoppingly so. Desire tugged at my gut, a strangely familiar sense of attraction, as if we’d known each other before this moment. As if I’d been bound to him in a time before memory. About the Author
K.R. Gastreich is a recipient of the OZMA Award for fantasy fiction and the Andrews Forest Writer’s Residency, as well as a winner of the Women on Writing Flash Fiction Contest. Her fantasy novels feature high-stakes romance, gripping battles, and darkly lyrical prose. In addition to Soul Masters and The Silver Web trilogy, she has published short stories in Zahir, Adventures for the Average Woman, 69 Flavors of Paranoia, and World Jumping. A proud native of the American Midwest, K.R. Gastreich lived for many years in Texas and then in Latin America before returning to the Kansas City Metro where she grew up. When not writing she enjoys hiking, camping, studying dance, and spending time with her family. To learn about new releases and other events, visit K.R. Gastreich’s website at krgastreich.com, or follow her on Instagram @EolynChronicles. Website: https://www.krgastreich.com Linktree: https://linktr.ee/EolynChronicles Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063135194840 Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4431702.K_R_Gastreich Greetings to all! I'm coming to you from Northern New Jersey. This year spending the winter workcamping in Florida didn't pan out. We had some repairs to our camper that took longer to fix than originally anticipated. 2HOOTs is up and running but our position in had to be filled. Que Sera, Sera. Remember the adage, man proposes, God disposes? Yup. It's happened to us. So, we change gears. That's what life is about, right? Since I'll be around in February, I've signied up for Valentine's Weekend at Brook Hollow winery. The information will be at the bottom of this post. So let's get to Mary's wonderful new release. What a gorgeous cover! STEINAR The Wolves of Clan Sutherland, Book 3 By Mary Morgan Viking Historical Paranormal Romance Release date: January 10, 2024 Publisher: The Wild Rose Press About the book. To save the wolf, she must renounce her love for the man. Descended from the mighty Somerled, Lord of the Isles, Steinar MacDougall’s supremacy over the seas is fierce. On a quest for King William, he is captured by the enemy and presented with a favorable opportunity. Yet Steinar soon realizes his greatest threat comes from the woman who hides behind the mask of a warrior, and the quest for control might send them hurdling into the abyss of the sea. As leader of the Serpents, Inga the Ruthless travels beyond the isles bartering for goods with her brothers. After rescuing the feared Pirate Wolf during a storm, she surrenders her trust to the man and his inner wolf in order to claim the lost treasure of Odin. Though the journey is fraught with dangers, Inga fears her heart might be the one in peril, leading her to make the ultimate sacrifice. Will the sea be their salvation or doom them to a watery grave? Universal Buy Link: https://books2read.com/u/bx6ZGP Book Trailer: https://youtu.be/27wlHuWcpcc The Spark of Inspiration for STEINAR With this third book in The Wolves of Clan Sutherland series, I had mapped out the path for Steinar during my trip to Scotland several years ago. The spark began while I traveled the North Sea to the Orkney Islands. My pen dashed across the pages of my journal jotting down ideas. The setting proved to be perfect, so I concentrated on the first two books. When the time came for me to write this Viking’s story, I assumed it would be an easy task. Ha! I assumed incorrectly. Let me share a glimpse behind the scenes of this Viking paranormal romance story… From the moment I began Steinar and Inga’s love story, I was unprepared for the surprising twists, mysteries, and betrayals while I wove their tale. As an author, I like to thoroughly plot out my stories. Each chapter has a theme and a direction. Yet I found myself constantly arguing with all my characters over various shifts in plots and scenes. When I finally relented months later, the story poured out of me in waves of writing. Steinar and Inga—both sea warriors—took control and led me, the writer, on an epic sea adventure. About the Author: Mary Morgan is an international best-selling author of award-winning historical fantasy and paranormal romance novels. During her research travels with her knight in shining armor to England, Ireland, and Scotland, she left a part of her soul in one of these countries and vows to return. Her passion for books started at an early age along with an overactive imagination. Inspired by her love for history and ancient Celtic and Norse mythology, Mary's tales are filled with powerful warriors, brave women, magic, and romance. If you enjoy history, tortured heroes, and a wee bit of fantasy, then journey back in time within the pages of her books. Connect with Mary here ~ Website/Blog: https://www.marymorganauthor.com/ Amazon Author: http://www.amazon.com/Mary-Morgan/e/B00KPE3NWI/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MaryMorganAuthor/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/m_morganauthor Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8271002.Mary_Morgan Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/marymorgan50/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marymorgan2/ BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/mary-morgan Audible: https://www.audible.com/author/Mary-Morgan/B00KPE3NWI LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mary-morgan-2634a77a/ The perfect way to spend the day with your sweetheart or best gal pals!
Bring a picnic lunch. Enjoy a glass or two of wine and meet local Romance Authors. Finish off the day with handmade chocolates and a great book to read at home. Check it out at~ www.facebook.com/events/2435427516665205 or www.facebook.com/BrookHollowWinery See you there! Another year down and a new one going forth. I hope that those who celebrate you had a wonderful Christmas Holiday. We had a houseful Christmas morning for our annual brunch. Pete’s cinnamon buns were the best yet. Lots of sweet treats like Bob bringing an almond stollen from a local bakery. I always grab a piece and hide it away to savor. Our nights prior to the day were spent driving around and enjoying the light displays. We even went upstate to a house that was on The Great Christmas Light Fight on HGN. They had over 600 blow molds. Those are vintage plastic figures like Santa with lights in them. Wonderful things that happened to me with my books. About a week before the 25th, I was notified by N.N. Light’s Book Heaven that both Sea Hunter and Sophia’s Magic Beans were finalists in their annual Best of the Year Contest. Then, on December 22nd. Sophia’s Magic Beans was named best of the year in the sweet romance category. ***Announcement*** If you haven’t had a chance to read Felice yet, then here’s your chance. In conjunction with Amazon, we are offering a free ebook starting January 5th through January 9th. https://www.amazon.com/Felice-Shield-Mates-Dar-D-V-Stone-ebook/dp/B06XRJGCDF I'll be out and about next month and hope you can join me! Let me know what some of yours are at
[email protected] Well, cheers to the New Year. May 2024 be your best yet. Lord, as the New Year dawns today, Help me to put my faults away. Let me be big in little things; Grant me the joy which friendship brings; Keep me from selfishness and spite, Let me be wise to what is right. A Happy New Year! grant that I May cause no tear to any eye. When this new year in time shall end, Let it be said: "I've played the friend, Have lived and loved and labored here And made of it a happy year." ~Edgar Guest (1881–1959), "Prayer for the New Year" WISHES UNDER A HIGHLAND STAR A Tale from the Order of the Dragon Knights By Mary Morgan Release date: December 5, 2022 Historical Scottish Fantasy Romance The stars collide when a half-Fae lass captures a Highland chieftain. About As chieftain for his clan, Alex MacFhearguis struggles with the burden of an unwanted responsibility. With the midwinter feast approaching, he flees his castle to find comfort and solitude within the forest. Yet on his quest, Alex stumbles into a world filled with magic, mysteries, and a woman with beguiling eyes who could capture his heart. When half-Fae Aine Fraser makes a powerful wish, her simple request unlocks the magic she possesses and brings forth a Highlander into her world. Though the man has lost all his memories, she finds her attraction growing for this brooding warrior with each passing day. Unable to deny her feelings, Aine risks everything when she confesses her greatest secret. Can a beauty who wished for a champion tame the beast of Leòmhann Castle? A peek inside. Sounds of the smithy beckoned him forward. As his steps led him closer, Alex halted at the vision before him. Poised over the anvil, Aine leveled the hammer against the metal with strength that stunned Alex. For one so small, she wielded the hammer with fierceness. Beads ofsweat trickled down her cheek, smudged with the grime of her work. She gave no regard to herappearance, or him, while she continued. Studying her profile, he fought the urge to pick up acloth and wipe away the moisture along with the dirt from her ivory skin. Her honeyed hair was woven into two braids and wrapped around her head like a crown of silken jewels. Leaning against an oak tree, Alex regarded her in fascination. The smithy stood as a place reserved for men. This he knew. Then why would a woman accept a position in the castle fashioning weapons? Aine blew out a curse, and he smiled in response. The woman was mesmerizing. Captivating. He folded his arms over his chest, content to remain hidden and watch her in secret. When something nudged his thigh, Alex quickly moved to the side. “By the hounds,” he hissed out in surprise at the sudden appearance of the wolfhound. “I thought I left ye by the warm fire.” “Etain has taken to ye,” announced Aine while inspecting the blade in front of her. She darted him a glance. Alex straightened his tunic and stepped forward. “She moves silently for one so large. Are ye sure she does not belong to the Fae?” The blade slipped from Aine’s fingers onto the anvil with a large clang. Her eyes grew wide as she turned away from Alex. “’Tis folly. She is only a dog,” she mumbled, quickly retrieving the blade and disappearing from his view. Concerned, Alex followed her. Once he entered inside the forge, his eyes adjusted to the dimly lit enclosure. He observed the other blades of various sizes strewn out on a wooden table along with horseshoes. A glint of light at the end of the table drew his attention. He steadily made his way to the stunning circular brooches. Their gilded edges were carved with delicate knotwork. Tracing his finger along the smooth surface of one, he marveled at the craftmanship. Surely she had assistance. He lifted his gaze to the woman. While Aine kept her back to him, Alex noted her rigid stance. Unsure on what to do, he clasped his hands behind his back. “Did ye make all of these?” Clenching her fists, she turned around. Wariness reflected back at him within those lavender eyes. “Does it matter?” “’Tis a simple question,” he remarked. Her eyes narrowed. “Because I am a woman, aye?” Alex’s gaze roamed over her face and traveled down the length of her. “Most assuredly.” He took a step forward. “But that is not why I asked the question.” Bright splotches appeared on her cheeks. She swallowed but kept her gaze locked with his. “Aye. ’Tis all my work. Mine alone.” “Who has taught ye this skill?” She lifted her chin. “My father and Gordon. I now share the forge with Gordon since my father’s death.” Arching a brow, Alex reached around her, inhaling the woman’s scent. As his fingers touched the cool surface of a blade, he brought forth the small dirk and lifted it up to the candlelight. “Incredible craftmanship.” Aine’s eyes widened in shock. “Ye approve of my work?” Her question barely a whisper. “Why would I not?” “Because I should be learning how to sew, tending to the gardens, and making a simple bannock,” she grumbled, glancing beyond him. “I favor bread over any bannock,” he chided. Returning her attention to him, she grabbed his arm. “Ye can recall something from your past? Is there more?” Her smile beamed like starlight on a winter’s night, and Alex became entranced. Why had he become fascinated with this woman? His gut clenched and his mouth dried whenever he entered her presence. Had he not spent much time around women? Or worse, married to one? He quickly banished the thought. Alex could not dwell on what he was unable to remember. Get your copy today from one of these online retailers books2read.com/u/31DeYa Praise for Wishes Under a Highland Star I loved everything about this story – the plot, the beautiful scenery, the holiday theme, the chemistry between Alex and Aine, as well as the full cast of characters. Would I highly recommend this masterfully written book…Aye! -Still Moments Magazine The author has taken her knowledge of the Irish legends of fairies or fae along with theScottish legends of dragons and used them well in creating this wonderful story. This light-hearted romance catches the readers imagination from the first page to the last page and willhave them smiling and even crying in places. Glued to the tale from page one, readers will be dying to know what happens to the Chieftain who doesn’t suffer fools gladly... Wishes Under a Highland Star” is a great addition tothe autumn book list! November Issue of InD’tale Magazine About the Author:
Multi award-winning paranormal romance author, Mary Morgan resides in Northern California with her own knight in shining armor. However, during her travels to Scotland, England, and Ireland, she left a part of her soul in one of these countries and vows to return. Mary's passion for books started at an early age along with an overactive imagination. Inspired by her love for history and ancient Celtic and Norse mythology, her tales are filled with powerful warriors, brave women, magic, and romance. Now, the worlds she created in her mind are coming to life within her stories. If you enjoy history, tortured heroes, and a wee bit of fantasy, then travel back in time within the pages of her books. Connect with Mary here ~ https://www.marymorganauthor.com/ Amazon Author: http://www.amazon.com/Mary-Morgan/e/B00KPE3NWI/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MaryMorganAuthor/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/m_morganauthor Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8271002.Mary_Morgan Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/marymorgan50/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marymorgan2/ BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/mary-morgan Audible: https://www.audible.com/author/Mary-Morgan/B00KPE3NWI LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mary-morgan-2634a77a/ |
Your Host D.V. StoneAward winning multi-genre author and blogger. Fantasy, romance, mid-grade. Nothing better than a campfire, book, and glass of wine. Okay maybe there is.📚 Follow Me!
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January 2025