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Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher, said, “Change is the only constant in life.” I’m a firm believer in this. One time a former employer asked me why I always wanted to change things, I answered. “I like moving and not being stagnant. If it doesn’t work, then we can always go back but if it does, think of the possibilities.” Since contracting the measles when I was 7 years old, I’ve been hearing impaired. If I’m in a place with a lot of background noise, everything becomes “buzzing”. I tend to back off and isolate myself in large groups, not understanding what they are saying. If the noise isn’t too bad, I can lip-read to an extent. My family and friends have gotten used to me and my “positioning”. Going out with friends for dinner, I pick either end of the table on the opposite side, so my good ear is toward the group. Walking down the street often breaks out into a dance of me and whoever shuffling positions. I prefer to drive, so everyone is on my right. One time I went to the doctor because my right ear was bothering me. Trust me, when one doesn’t work, you are on it when something starts up with the other. Unfortunately, when he tried to remove the problem (TMI alert), earwax further pushed down, and I became almost totally deaf. It was a Friday, and the ENT couldn’t see me until Monday. One of my worst fears happened. The entire world was shut out. Monday came, and the problem was resolved, but the experience still haunts me. I think that’s why I avoided audiobooks. If I have a bud in my left ear, the world is shut out. It’s not true, but it was my perception. In the past few years, our life began to have many changes. Before with my hubby and I working full-time, travel was limited. But after we bought our camper, as my sister says, the world became our oyster. Traveling for hours, sometimes for several days, left a lot of downtimes. So, why not. I was in a safe environment. Pete usually drives, and if anyone knows him, he has a booming voice, so no problem hearing him. I went out and bought a set of comfortable earbuds. Since then, I’ve been hooked, and it followed that Rock House Grill would be my first audiobook. Hearing Shay and Aden’s story brought to life by the incredible Emelie Pla brought tears to my eyes. I don’t wear headphones when I’m driving. I will confess when I’m taking a walk and “vant to be alone”, I’ll put both in even though the left ear one isn’t needed; I tend to be left alone. Shh, don’t tell on me. If you love audiobooks or have hesitated to try one, I hope you’ll give Rock House Grill a whirl. Here’s the link www.amazon.com/Audible-Rock-House-Grill/dp/B09S247QGL What about you? Does something hold you back? I’d love to chat about it with you. 2/10/2022 01:46:53 pm
I love holding physical books and reading them that way, but I also enjoy the audio versions. Since I keep having joint replacements (2 hips, 1 knee, 1 neck!), my challenge is to stay up and moving. Fortunately, we live near a pier and a harbor, so there are nice, flat areas to encourage me to go for it. Once you give in and don't get off the couch or recliner, you're a goner!
D. V. Stone
2/10/2022 01:51:50 pm
Keep going. Sometimes it's hard, often scary, but always worth it. Thanks for sharing. 2/10/2022 02:05:28 pm
Wow, DV, an incredible story. I bet the audio book is as amazing as the print version!
D. V. Stone
2/10/2022 02:26:06 pm
Thanks, Pam. We all have a thing, don't we. 2/10/2022 06:36:23 pm
I love hearing your story, Darlene, and kudos for overcoming an obstacle like that.
D. V. Stone
2/10/2022 06:49:51 pm
I rarely listen on walk either. Love nature and the music it makes. Thanks for coming by the fire. D. 🐦 2/10/2022 11:41:22 pm
Excellent post. Best of luck with your audiobook. I LOVE audiobooks! Truly enjoyed Rockhouse Grill 2/11/2022 12:42:14 am
Donna, I too am hearing impaired from childhood. I had surgery to remove the smallest bone in our body and had it replaced with a titanium bone. So, when I go through airport security, I have a card to show them that I don't have an explosive imbedded in my head. LOL.
D. V.
2/11/2022 09:20:40 am
Hey, Susie! Thanks for popping in. That little bone is truly a big deal. I'm glad my experience helped. D. 😘 2/11/2022 11:26:19 am
I admire the way you coped with the hearing loss. The last few years I've been housebound in a wheelchair with MS. Before I was very active, and an outdoor person. Gratefully, I'm in my seventies, and have a lifetime of memories to look back on. And I can still live through my writing.
D. V. Stone
2/11/2022 11:37:29 am
Ilona, I'm so sorry. One of my closest friends struggles with MS as well. One of the reasons I fell in love with books is their ability to transport me to other places and times. Especially when they give joy, hope and happy resolutions. Thank you for sharing with me. D.😘 Comments are closed.
Your Host D.V. StoneAward winning multi-genre author and blogger. Fantasy, romance, mid-grade. Nothing better than a campfire, book, and glass of wine. Okay maybe there is.📚 Follow Me!
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