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Thank you for joining me Around the Fire today, Ruby. While I pour some coffee, please introduce yourself. Who are you other than your bio? I am a black woman in her mid-fifties who is finally making her dream as a writer come true. I am a wife, caregiver, friend, and cat mom. When I’m not writing or giving in to my cat’s demands, I’m a virtual assistant. I, too, have a demanding cat. Baby is twenty-plus years old and deaf. She meows very loudly to compensate for hearing loss. What interests besides writing do you enjoy? For instance, what do you read or hobbies you have? I love to read! Lately (like two years), I’ve been on a paranormal women’s fiction and interracial mafia kick. I also love watching baseball (go Orioles), football (Cowboys), a daily dose of Seinfeld reruns, and learning obscure things on YouTube with my husband. Paranormal women’s fiction is one of my favorites as well. Not much of a sports fan, though. Who is your network or support system? This would be any groups/authors/friends/family who contributes to your writing career. My husband. My friend Becky. Every member (past and present) of my local RWA Chapter, Land of Enchantment Romance Authors (LERA). My critique members: Carol Potenza and Lenette Rodriguez. Miriam Pace, Bonita Thornton, Nancy Lavo. It looks like you have a great set of backup folks. Who or what books or authors are your inspiration? Maya Angelou. There are too many books that motivated me to give writing a try. Ms. Angelou was undoubtedly a great lady. Do you have any fun or outrageous talent? None at all, LOL. Does singing Phineas and Ferb theme song count? At Around the Fire, we believe singing any song in any way counts as a talent. What is your neighborhood like? Are there any places you frequent? What makes them special? I live in Albuquerque, NM. My neighborhood is less than an eighth of a mile from Kirtland Air Force, so I hear a lot of planes. We have an amazing view of the Sandia Mountains. My neighborhood is diverse, with a mix of races, older people, and young families. Because of the base, we have a variety of restaurants on the main drag. My husband and I are homebodies, but we do enjoy a Mexican restaurant within walking distance. It sounds wonderful! I’ve heard New Mexico is a fantastic blend of people and culture. Does writing energize or exhaust you? I’ve experienced both. After working on my editor’s feedback for Ronan’s Queen and doing new proofread edits for my first two books, I needed to take a break from working on my WIP because I just didn’t have the creative juice. I do feel energized when I’m introducing new MC and supporting characters I know will have their own story. What are common traps for aspiring writers? Not taking advantage of a critique group or at least finding another writer to bounce ideas off of. Building a support group is vital even if you never publish. Wise words. I’m very blessed to have not only my Wild Rose Press authors and editors support but also a close group of indie authors who have each other’s back. Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book? I like writing series. I generally fall in love with supporting characters and want to expand on them with their own stories. They can be read out of order, but usually, you’ll go back to see how one couple came to be. If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be? Learn craft! Writing a good story is harder than it is mentally telling yourself the story. How did publishing your first book change your process of writing? It changed knowing I need to have the next book basically ready to go or at least ready to send to an editor. This is a lesson I’m still learning after three books. How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have? Wow… Three unpublished stories, one of which I have used for queries and just need a rewrite. Half-finished is close to ten. All of them were before I started studying the craft and learning the beats. I’m the same. I have too many projects, including one big one with all my early writing career mistakes. Ruby, what does literary success look like to you? My story is shared among generations. What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book? I’ve visited sites and museums to get a feel for several book scenes. Pinterest is my friend. I am a visual person, and I need to see locations and character inspirations. With my new series, I am already in month two of research while I am writing my fourth book. How do you select the names of your characters? Ronan was introduced in the first book, and I researched Irish names. Keira, I saw a character on a TV show. Usually, I have a folder of baby, vintage, and surnames in my Pinterest account. Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find? Not really, but all the songs I reference in my stories are favorites. My Impact series is like that. Music references. What was your hardest scene to write? The ending. Do you Google yourself? No. My husband has. What is your favorite childhood book? “Are You There God, It’s Me Margaret” Judy Blume What is the most difficult part of your artistic process? Staying focused. I need to write in silence. What would you do if you had to do something differently as a child or teenager to become a better writer as an adult? I would have paid more attention to writing. I didn’t want to be a writer until my forties. How long, on average, does it take you to write a book? Unless it’s National Novel Writing Month, about two months. What is your favorite mug or teacup? My Marvel Avengers cup for coffee and my VW bus insolated cup for water. If you could eat anything in the world right now, what would it be? Caramel cheesecake Worst household chore? Vacuuming Would you rather have unlimited international first-class tickets or never have to pay for food at restaurants? Unlimited international first-class tickets. What was your first job? Cashier at K-mart when I was seventeen. Ruby, how wonderful it's been having you Around the Fire. I'm so glad to get to know you. Before you head out to maybe that little Mexican restaurant, will you tell us about your book and where we can get more information on it and you? You shouldn’t be attracted to your partner in the school supply drive. Right? Keira Hughes closed herself off after the tragic loss of her husband. Raising her two boys, work, and the annual school supply drive were the only things that mattered. Until a cobalt blue-eyed temptation stumbled into her life and called her ‘Queenie.’ Ronan Sullivan left his life as a literary agent to start over in Point Harbor as their new community outreach director. Making the school supply drive a success was his only goal. Until he met Keira and her two adorable boys and realized he needed a queen and princes in his life. Can two people move past their old pain and loss to find a new happy ever after? Welcome back to Point Harbor, where finding love, family, and friends and plentiful. Download this sweet and clean single-parent, second-chance at love romance today. Amazon Book Page Instagram social media link Favorite Review on Amazon More about Ruby
Ruby James is the pen name of a midlife woman living in the beautiful state of New Mexico. Born and raised in Washington, DC, I moved to the Land of Enchantment in 2006. The 2022 Leslie Esdaile Aspiring Author winner, I released my debut novel in September 2022. Leaving the healthcare industry in early 2022, I started a virtual assistant business, Juniper Administrative Services LLC, to focus on writing. In my spare time, you will find me with a book, listening to music, getting my daily dose of Seinfeld, and learning random things on YouTube with my husband. There will almost always be a game on during baseball season, hopefully, the Orioles or Nationals. I also have the twenty-four-hour job of serving my cat, Random. Sign up for her newsletter at www.subscribepage.com/rubyjameswrites or on my website, rubyjameswrites.com.
Barbara Bettis
8/23/2023 09:51:34 pm
Hi Ruby. Sorry I'm so late getting in. I loved getting to know you. I so agree with you on crit partners and groups--we do need other eyes on our own work. Andr about writing in silence, which I usually have to do--and cheesecake! LOL. Wishing you gobs of luck with your latest. And cheers! on getting your writing energy back.
9/5/2023 12:27:48 pm
Thanks for stopping in Barbara.
Louise Bergin
9/5/2023 11:33:36 am
I very much enjoyed reading this interview and learning how Ruby made her dreams come true. Very inspiring and motivating!
9/5/2023 12:28:38 pm
Thanks for popping by Louise. I'm glad you enjoyed the interview with Ruby. D. Comments are closed.
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