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Make You Mine Book 1 in the Walkers of River’s Edge series. by Nan Reinhardt April 16, 2024 Workplace Romance When his family’s company is on the line, business and pleasure definitely don’t mix, but maybe they should… About the story. Madeline Ross left the city and a career glass ceiling behind, hoping to build a new life as the crew supervisor for Walker Construction in River’s Edge. She’s qualified and experienced, but new CEO Jackson Walker hires someone else. Even as she searches for a different job and builds a life in River’s Edge, the sexy memory of Jack teases. After a rough year, Jackson Walker’s family business is still struggling. He needs a new construction crew supervisor, and Maddie Ross is perfect, except for the first time in his life, player Jack is suddenly smitten with the curvaceous redhead. He wants her in his bed more than on his payroll. When his second-rate new hire is a disastrous mistake, Jack humbles himself on Maddie’s doorstep with an offer she can’t refuse. Maddie could be the key to saving his company as long as he hides his heart. But does he have to? Grab your copy. https://tulepublishing.com/books/make-you-mine/ (links to all outlets are here) A chat Around the Fire with USA Today bestselling Author, Nan Reinhardt. Welcome to the fire Nan. Since its always 5 O'Clock somewhere I'll pour us a glass of vino. While you introduce youself. Remember in vino veritas. Who are you other than your bio?
Honestly, I’m pretty much my bio. Writing and editing are my passions, but so are my family and friends. I’m a grandma, a mom, a wife, a sister, a friend. What do you do when you have free time away from the words? Do you have any hobbies? I am an avid reader as well as a freelance copy editor and development editor. I love to swim, boat, and spend time with my family. I go on writing retreats with my bestie. Who is your network or support system? Anyone special who contributes to your career? I have so many author friends—my bestie is author Liz Flaherty. I have my crit partners and my family who are incredibly supportive. I have lake pals and a group of women I call the Lovelies who build me up when I think I can’t take another writing step. I’m very lucky to have a lot of support. I love Liz. She recently visited my fire. You mentioned a lake. I live at one in New Jersey. Tell us what your neighborhood like? Are there any places you frequent? What makes them special? We just moved to our neighborhood about five years ago and I love the big old trees and the houses, which are all older and different from each other. I walk every day with my neighbor. My preference is for older establishe neighborhoods. I'm not a fan of the cooke cutter houses. Surround me with trees and nature and I'm happy. You mentioned writing and editing. Let's talk craft. Does writing energize or exhaust you? I think it depends on where I am in the process. Beginnings and endings energize me, but middles sometimes exhaust me. The middle slump. I get that. If you didn’t write, what would you do for work? Actually, I’d do my day job, which is being a freelance editor—I love, love working on other people’s books. I get to read so many great stories and it’s very satisfying helping authors make the work the very best it can be. One of the frequent questions I get is how long, on average, does it take you to write a book? What about you? Usually three-to-four months, sometimes a little longer. What are the best websites, podcasts, or programs for writers to subscribe to? I highly recommend any of Lani Diane Rich’s blogs, podcasts, books or podcasts. She is an amazing teacher. Also The One Stop for Writers website is incredibly helpful. If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be? It’s always going to be hard work. It will always be worth it, but it’s hard work no matter how books you’ve written. And don’t expect every book to be better than the last one…that doesn’t always happen. But mostly, have fun and if stops being fun, try to figure out why. It is hard work! Hundreds of hours go into getting a book from idea until the reader has it in their hands. Can we peek into the real Nan? Years ago, there was a commercial that talked about a “Kodak Moment.” It’s a moment in time you catch in a picture. One you never want to forget. What is yours? I think the very first time I saw my husband holding our grandson—the look in his eyes was just so full of love. I get weepy every time I remember that day. Aww. I remember that with my mom. I walked past the bedroom and she was looking at my son and rocking. She said to him that his grandfather would be proud. I'll never forget it. If you could eat anything in the world right now, what would it be? A brownie with French vanilla ice cream and hot fudge sauce. Any chance you’ve got one of those? I'm out of sauce but there's a DQ only minutes away from here. Would you rather have unlimited international first-class tickets or never have to pay for food at restaurants? Definitely unlimited first-class tickets to anywhere in the world. I can buy my food at little groceries and in restaurants…but travel…ahhh! And now for the official Bio. Nan Reinhardt is a USA Today bestselling author of sweet, small-town romantic fiction for Tule Publishing. Her day job is working as a freelance copyeditor and proofreader, however, writing is Nan’s first and most enduring passion. She can’t remember a time in her life when she wasn’t writing—she wrote her first romance novel at the age of ten and is still writing, but now from the viewpoint of a wiser, slightly rumpled, woman in her prime. Nan lives in the Midwest with her husband of 50 years, where they split their time between a house in the city and a cottage on a lake. Talk to Nan at: [email protected]. https://linktr.ee/nan_reinhardt https://www.bookbub.com/authors/nan-reinhardt http://www.nanreinhardt.com/ https://www.facebook.com/authornanreinhardt https://instagram.com/NanReinhardt https://x.com/NanReinhardt
Barb Bettis
4/15/2024 01:14:49 pm
Good to meet you, Nan. Glad you find the time to write in between editing jobs! Wishing you all the best with your new book! It sounds lovely.
Liz Flaherty
4/15/2024 02:30:35 pm
Hi, D.V. and Nan. Nice to see you both at one of my favorite places to visit! Did you want that brownie with chicken strips, Nan? Lol. I was an early reader of Make You Mine. It's a great story, and I just love Maddie! Comments are closed.
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