Hi, my name is D. V. Stone. I am a multi-genre author who also enjoys reading across genres. On this page you'll meet a great group of writers and get an insider's view into their lives and books. I hope you enjoy this special peek and find new and exciting reads.
Who I'm a mystery writer who dabbles in paranormal mysteries and historical fiction too. I loved my life as a journalist, meeting new people and writing about their fascinating lives and events. I’ve interviewed celebrities and top businesspeople, athletes and “the man on the street.” Now I get to return to my grade-school self, making up stories Interests – Recently, I’ve gotten into kayaking and so am waiting impatiently for spring. Also, love to walk and take my electric bicycle out (no, it’s not cheating to have an electric bike!). Network I have two writing critique groups which are both online these days. Thank goodness for my writing friends! Desk – I’ve taken over the formal dining table since we don’t have big dinners right now. The advantage is there’s lots of space to be messy, and there’s a view of neighbors strolling by. Outrageous talent – Absolutely nothing, which is one of the reasons I love hanging out with my 2-year-old grandson. He laughs at my silly jokes and even thinks my singing is good. Window – There’s a beautiful stone Buddha, painted red, under a big pine in the corner of the yard. I’ve had this guy for years and he makes me feel good every time I catch a glimpse of him. Spirit in Time by Julie Howard Time travel isn't real. It can't be real. But ghost-blogger Jillian Winchester discovers otherwise when an enigmatic spirit conveys her to 1872 to do his bidding. Jillian finds herself employed as a maid in Sacramento, in an elegant mansion with a famous painting. The artwork reveals another mystery: Why does the man within look exactly like her boyfriend, Mason Chandler? Morality and sin live side by side, not only in the picture, but also within her. As her transgressions escalate, she races the clock to find the man in the painting, and hunt down a spirit with a disconcerting gift. But will time be her friend or foe? Amazon: https://amzn.to/2LslC9S iBooks: http://itunes.apple.com/us/book/isbn9781509235100 Barnes and Noble: https://bit.ly/3qaFAF5 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/spirit-in-time-julie-howard/1138556279?ean=2940162911340 Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/julie-howard?list=author_books Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/18116047.Julie_Howard 2/17/2021 09:58:58 am
Your life as a journalist sounds exciting and your grandson adorable. (Aren't grands the BEST!?) 2/17/2021 10:05:36 am
I'd play with the grandson, too! Good luck with your book. Comments are closed.
October 2021