Hi, my name is D. V. Stone. I am a multi-genre author who also enjoys reading across genres. On this page you'll meet a great group of writers and get an insider's view into their lives and books. I hope you enjoy this special peek and find new and exciting reads.
If you've clicked through my site you can't help but notice I like to camp. My Dear Husband, hereafter referred to as DH, and I love to travel and are now coming to the place in our life where we get to do that. Everyone has their own tale of why they put it off, but time and money held us back. We thank the Lord each day for our jobs and the life we are now able to lead. Nope, not rich. Nope, still working. But retirement is closer than ever. DH hates to fly. I can't stand most hotel accommodations. Can I have an amen at how gross the bed spreads are? I've taken them off and stuffed them in the closet but diligent maids find them and put them right back on. With that in mind, and retirement coming, how were we going to see all we want to in this great country of ours? At home we basically live outside. Over the years DH has built decks, patios and pathways lined with landscaping. If the weather is nice we are out. It wasn't a far leap then to think-camping. We've done it before. Tents, pop-ups, and my sister has had a motor-home for years. It wasn't a hard decision to come to especially when we saw what was available to us. So, we've begun our travels. Near and far, in the time we can spare, practicing for the future. Recently we were in Hagerstown, Maryland and Lancaster Pennsylvania. During the day we took trips to local places of interest. Historical, architectural; wine and craft beer tasting is a bonus. And we've found some hidden gems. ![]() Every time were in Lancaster our money is well spent at Town Clock Cheese Shoppe in Gap, Pa. The owner will take you on a trip around the world through cheeses. This years favorite, cheese aged in a cave in France. How cool is that. You can find them here www.facebook.com/Town-Clock-Cheese-Shoppe-117385518271578/ And what is cheese without a glass of wine to go with it? You never know when you're going to stumble upon a gem. The Blue Mountain Wine Crafters was just the ticket. Located in---you're going to love the name---Funkstown Maryland, and it had an added bonus. If you follow my Instagram of Facebook you'll see it right away. Here's the link to a very nice, fun, and knowledgeable staff www.bluemountainwinecrafters.com/ You even get to paint. ![]() My final traveling gem for this trip? Last post I showed you a picture of a Black Beauty book I picked up. One of my other favorite childhood reads was Heidi, by Joanna Spyri, and guess what? Yes, I did. Heidi now sits on my shelf alongside Black Beauty. She's a little tattered and worn but aren't all well read books and well lived people? Next on my list, is to finish my C.S. Lewis' Narnia collection. I need the Silver Chair and The Last Battle. Each trip out, instead of collecting rocks like Lucy did in the Long Long Trailer, I think maybe I'll relive my childhood through the stories I find on the shelves of the bookshops lining the roads of the good ole USA. What books remind you of good times or gems have you found in travels? “A children’s story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children’s story in the slightest.” – C.S. Lewis
October 2021