Hi, my name is D. V. Stone. I am a multi-genre author who also enjoys reading across genres. On this page you'll meet a great group of writers and get an insider's view into their lives and books. I hope you enjoy this special peek and find new and exciting reads.
![]() Who- Hi, my name is Pamela S Thibodeaux and I write Inspirational “with an edge” romance and women’s fiction as well as creative non-fiction. I am a mother, grandmother and a licensed insurance agent. Interests- I LOVE to travel! In the last five years I’ve travelled all over the United States visiting National parks and other places of interest. One of my most favorite places I’ve visited was Churchill Downs where the Kentucky Derby is run. Network– I’m the Co-Founder and a lifetime member of Bayou Writer’s Group in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Previous affiliations include ACFW and RWA. Desk– Oh my….my desk is always a bit messy but luckily using a laptop allows me to work at any number of places. Outdoors – although my work keeps me inside, I love the outdoors. Hiking in the mountains or hills, walks along the beach, horseback riding, badminton and cornhole. I’d rather cut grass than clean house if it gets me outside LOL! Window– Since Hurricane Laura swept through our area August 27th, about the only thing you see outside any window in SW Louisiana is a heartbreaking mess. But we will survive and come back #LouisianaStrong ![]() Since the blog tour for My Heart Weeps is complete, today I’ll give you a peek into my upcoming release, Tempered Truth, the last installment in my Tempered Series which is in the final editing stage and will be release later this year. Blurb: Fate declared them neighbors. Scandal insisted they were brothers. The fact that they looked enough alike to be twins only added fuel to the rumors flying about their parentage. For fifty-plus years Craig Harris and Scott Hensley have enjoyed a bond nothing can sever. Not the insinuations that they share the same father. Not the years of strife and grief and heartache. Not even death. Will the truth set them free or will it destroy the friendship that has lasted a lifetime? Excerpt: September 18, 2001 Scott Hensley sat in the den of his Louisiana home, his heart heavy, overwhelmed with the same sense of shock and grief that rocked the nation. Upstairs, his wife, Katrina, nursed his infant daughter while his sons did homework in their rooms. All normal activities in a world that was far from normal. One week ago, on a beautiful fall morning much like this one, terrorists waged an attack on America the likes of which he’d never expected to see in his lifetime. Scott sat in frozen horror as the events were reenacted on the television. He hated seeing the terror and panic over and over yet found it hard to tear himself away. Since that day, his wife had been in tears, his sons subdued and afraid, their innocence stripped away by an unknown evil. Only his three-month-old daughter remained innocent. His adopted daughter Lexie, due to make him a grandfather by year’s end, called daily just to hear their voices and to reassure herself–and his friends of a lifetime, the family she had married into–of their wellbeing. Scott’s mind wandered back to another act of terrorism nearly twenty years ago that had deeply affected his life. He’d been on a three-month mission in South America. During his second month there, his family flew down to visit him—his mother and father always so proud, and Melissa, his wife. The memories surfaced as though it happened yesterday… The airplane rising boldly against a brilliant summer sky…the sound of an explosion…the sight of that ball of fire and black smoke billowing out of the plane as it spiraled toward the earth to crash into a crumbled heap of burning metal and flesh. Scott felt the same sense of loss and helpless anger now as he had then. That their deaths were still considered a senseless and unsolved act of terrorism only added to the grief he’d carried in his heart for so long. That grief surfaced now, with his country and its freedom under attack. Find out more about the other books in Pam’s Tempered series on her website or Amazon Author Page. If you’re an audio book lover, Tempered Hearts, Tempered Dreams and Tempered Fire (books 1, 2 & 3) of the series are available now on Audible. Book 4, Tempered Joy, is in production and will be available in time for Christmas! Author bio: Award-winning author, Pamela S. Thibodeaux is the Co-Founder and a lifetime member of Bayou Writers Group in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Multi-published in romantic fiction as well as creative non-fiction, her writing has been tagged as, “Inspirational with an Edge!” ™ and reviewed as “steamier and grittier than the typical Christian novel without decreasing the message.” Sign up to receive Pam’s newsletter and get a FREE short story! Links: Website address: http://www.pamelathibodeaux.com Blog: http://pamswildroseblog.blogspot.com Newsletter: http://bit.ly/psthibnewsletter Face Book: http://facebook.com/pamelasthibodeaux https://www.facebook.com/pamelasthibodeauxauthor Amazon Author Page: http://amzn.to/1jUVcdU Twitter: http://twitter.com/psthib @psthib Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/pamelasthibodea/ BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/pamela-s-thibodeaux Instagram: https://instagram.com/pamelasthibodeauxauthor 10/7/2020 07:52:15 am
Thanks for hosting me today, Donna!
D. V.
10/7/2020 09:24:59 am
Morning, Pam I'm so glad you could join me today. Thanks for giving us a peek.
Anna Taylor Sweringen
10/7/2020 09:17:30 am
Thanks for the peek through your window, Pamela. 10/7/2020 09:58:09 am
Lovely peek through your window. Wishing you good luck with your book, and with hurricane recovery!
Mary Morgan
10/7/2020 10:01:38 am
I love to travel, too! I get many of my ideas from my travels. Wishing you all the best with Tempered Truth, and I pray the hurricane clean-up and recovery goes smoothly.
Kara O'Neal
10/7/2020 02:50:12 pm
Thank you for sharing! Can't wait to read this. 10/7/2020 07:26:09 pm
I, too, would much rather mow the lawn than clean the house! The book excerpt is intriguing. Are they really brothers? I'll have to read it to find out!
Alicia Dean
10/8/2020 01:40:45 pm
What a fun post. Congrats on the release. Sounds like another great read! 10/8/2020 06:56:46 pm
THANKS Ladies! Comments are closed.
October 2021