Hi, my name is D. V. Stone. I am a multi-genre author who also enjoys reading across genres. On this page you'll meet a great group of writers and get an insider's view into their lives and books. I hope you enjoy this special peek and find new and exciting reads.
![]() Who Well hopefully by now you know a little about me. But like anyone I change and hopefully grow as a person as well as a writer. Personally I've become at this stage a little more comfortable in my skin. I've resented growing older but you can't stop it, right? Like Dolly said in Steel Magnolia's "Time marches on and sooner or later you realize it is marching across your face.” But, that said I'm anxiously looking forward to a new stage in life. Retirement is in four months. I have a count down in my phone that tells me how many days, hours, minutes, seconds. If I want, I can see how many breaths or heartbeats. It doesn't mean I'll be sitting back and not working. The day I leave work, Pete will have 2Hoots ready and hitched to head to Tampa for the Ignite Your Imagination Conference hosted by Florida West Coast Writers, Inc. On June 4-6, 2021. At least that's the plan. I can't wait to meet two of my favorite authors, CL Wilson and Roxanne St. Claire. CL writes fantasy which I adore, and Roxanne contemporary romance with mature characters. I'm also hoping to see some of my NJRW and TWRP authors there. Interests Okay, so we've talked about my interests before. Camping (or glamping) cooking, reading. But I also dabble in painting, sketching, photography and jewelry making. I'm not good at it, but I enjoy it very much. I even have a guitar though it hasn't been out of the case for several years. I'm steeling myself to develop finger pad callouses. Network I'm professionally involved with RWA, NJRWA, TWRP, but I'm also a member of Sparta Evangelical Free Church. In the past I've been a Sunday School teacher and a missions committee leader. Before my health went down hill, my DH and I traveled every summer for ten years to West Virginia and were part of a group that rehabilitated housing, volunteered in assisted living, ran basketball camps and general pitched in where ever needed. Pete still goes down and this summer helped build a house then returned in November to distribute Thanksgiving Baskets. Desk My work space is moveable though my laptop is no longer portable. The case is broken so I don't move it any longer. I do have a Chromebook I take on the road with me. Also, I do a lot of work from my phone. I love working outside on my deck and often will head down to my camper and driveway camp while working. Outrageous I used to be much more outrageous. I've been a spelunker, rappelled off the side of a three story building, and climbed many trees. Adventure still calls and I'll push as far as my breathing will allow. If they ever host a team Jeopardy my DH and I will nail it. Window I am truly blessed. I look out my front window and enjoy a lake view in Northern New Jersey. Out my back is the Mountain which leads to the Appalachian Trail. Up until a few years ago, every year on my birthday I would hike to the top. Now I'll drive and walk along sections of the trail. Thanks for stopping by and reading about me. In the next few weeks my guests will be back and Take A Peek will introduce you to an amazing assortment of authors and books. Be good, be safe, and God bless. ![]() The Mystery at Branch Lake Agent Carter Book 1 www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0785LCHWH Agent Sam Carter of G.A.S.P., or the Government Anti Spector Program, is called away from vacation to the small Community of Branch Lake. Someone, or something, is breaking into the summer cabins, and indications are it may not be humans. Join Agent Carter, Sheriff Holly Stone, and Uncle Martin in the sometimes crazy adventure in the mystery of Branch Lake. The Mystery at High Pointe Tower Agent Carter Book 2 https://www.amazon.com/Mystery-High-Pointe-Tower-Carter-ebook/dp/B08NC6XZR9 Join the gang in the second Agent Sam Carter series. Sam's camping vacation is canceled. Strange happenings at the High Pointe Tower are going to take all his wits and skill to save the world from its latest threat. The convergence of the Dragon Aurora and volcanic eruption tears a hole between the dimensions trapping a paranormal creature on earthside. But as usual, nothing is as it first appears. About the author Hi, my name is D. V. Stone. I am a multi-genre author of two independently published books. Felice, Shield-Mates of Dar is a fantasy romance. Agent Sam Carter and the Mystery at Branch Lake is a mid-grade paranormal. In April, Rock House Grill was released by Wild Rose Press. And on July 8th Rainbow Sprinkles part of my publisher One Scoop or Two series became available. I also host Welcome to the Campfire and A Peek Through the Window, both weekly blogs. Recently I’ve begun to review books by other authors and share my favorites in a monthly newsletter. On the personal front I’m a full-time employee in a medical office, wife to an amazing husband, mother to one son, and not your average grandma to three beautiful grands. I’m a woman of faith, trusting and believing in God. I drive a Camaro when not behind the wheel of my camper, 2Hoots—a 41 foot long 13.2 feet high 5th Wheel. My greatest pleasures are spending time outside with friends and family, cooking over the open fire, sipping a glass of wine, and reading. Hali, my rescue dog always reminds me to let readers know “Woof, woof.” Which is loosely translated Support your local animal rescue. A further Peek Born in Brooklyn, D.V. Stone has moved around a bit and even lived for a time on a dairy farm in Minnesota before moving back east. Throughout her wandering, she always considered herself a Jersey Girl. She met and married the love of her life, Pete—a lifelong Jersey Man, and moved this time to Sussex County. They live with Hali, a mixed breed from the local shelter and their cat Baby. Follow D. V. on Social Media Website Amazon Author Page Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest Bookbub Goodreads Newsletter Blogs Welcome to the Campfire Blog Peek Through the Window Other Books by D. V. Stone Rainbow Sprinkles After the storm come the rainbows. Amazon Barnes & Noble iBook’s Rock House Grill One man’s choices. One woman’s Impact Amazon Barnes & Noble iBook’s Google Books Kobo Felice, Shield-Mates of Dar One foolish thought. One brutal act. Instead of a peaceful alliance––war. Amazon Contributing Author Australia Burns Amazon Un-embedded links Link Tree For one stop connections https://www.instagram.com/d.v.stone/ https://twitter.com/donnavstone https://www.facebook.com/dv.stone.1 https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/16344100.D_V_Stone https://www.bookbub.com/authors/d-v-stone https://www.amazon.com/D.-V.-Stone/e/B01N154Y9U 1/20/2021 10:31:23 am
What a wonderful post. I hear ya. Things change as you get older gotta embrace that and work around it. LOL Hopefully Colorado is in your travel plans. Thanks for sharing.
D. V. Stone
1/20/2021 11:28:36 am
Colorado is definitely in my plans. Thanks for stopping by and saying hi. D.
Sandra Dailey
1/20/2021 11:14:58 am
Time is marching at my house too. It's nice getting to know you.
D. V. Stone
1/20/2021 11:27:24 am
Thanks for stopping by, Sandra. Have a great Wednesday. 1/21/2021 07:37:24 am
Wow, you really have lived an adventurous life!
D. V. Stone
1/21/2021 01:47:47 pm
Pam, thanks for stopping by. D. V.
Anna Taylor Sweringen
1/21/2021 11:39:52 am
Wow! What a peek! Thanks for sharing.
D. V. Stone
1/21/2021 01:48:34 pm
Hi Anna. I appreciate you popping over. D.V. Comments are closed.
October 2021