Hi, my name is D. V. Stone. I am a multi-genre author who also enjoys reading across genres. On this page you'll meet a great group of writers and get an insider's view into their lives and books. I hope you enjoy this special peek and find new and exciting reads.
Bye, bye 2019. Hello, 2020. Happy New Year to all! I can't' believe it's 2020. Does anyone remember Y2K? What a big fuss about nada. Here we are twenty years later, alive and connected more than we probably should. I have so much and so many to be thankful for and to. This list is by no means complete but a start. Thanks to Wild Rose Press for bringing me into the garden. And it's from that Rose Garden I've met some amazing people. A special shout out to Elf my editor, Amber my second eyes. Rene the queen of commas. How about a hand for all the guests on Welcome to the Campfire. Week in and out you all amaze me. Then there are the family and friends who support and encourage. Judy, Deb, and Noemi you guys rock. My family especially my biggest cheerleader, Pete. You are the hubby extraordinaire. An not least of all my Creator and Sustainer, the Lord Jesus for all His mercies, which are new every morning. This year has been filled with many ups and downs but mostly ups. Here are some of my personal highlights.
![]() Let New Year 2020 be a time of peace, love and the implementation of the most secret dreams. Comments are closed.
October 2021