Hi, my name is D. V. Stone. I am a multi-genre author who also enjoys reading across genres. On this page you'll meet a great group of writers and get an insider's view into their lives and books. I hope you enjoy this special peek and find new and exciting reads.
![]() Who- Hey there, I’m Birdie Song, an Asian-Australian sweet romance author. I write both for fun as well as for a living. And yes, it’s true… I do love a bit of pineapple on my pizza (and with sweet and sour pork, and in fried rice). Interests- My passions include food, nature and travel, especially combining all three within my home state of Western Australia. I live a pretty active life too, and am often nursing one or two sports injuries at any given time. All of these interests give me plenty of inspiration for things to write about. Network- Even though everybody in my family lives in different cities these days, I still think of them as my network. We have this strange relationship where we’re a lot closer and get along much better when we’re far apart. Perhaps it’s because when we talk now, we have to make an effort to focus on each other, rather than just spending time by the by. As an introvert who’s better at email and texting than talking, this is totally fine by me! Desk- For health reasons, I have three “dedicated” workspaces set up around the home — two seated desk setups and one standing setup. It ensures I don’t stay in one position for too long, as that tends to wreak havoc on my posture. My home is very small, so it’s kind of magical that this was even possible! Outrageous talent- I rock a mean microphone at karaoke. At least, I used to before microphone hygiene became a thing to worry about. Now I just sing very loudly in the shower, in the car, at my cat, and only slightly less loudly when I’m working in the garden. Window- Ah, outside my window is a view of a street that’s very busy for half the day and very quiet for the other half. We live between a hill and a body of water, which I think someone once told me is good feng shui. I have a feeling the way we’ve arranged the furniture around our window isn’t quite as auspicious as it could be, but — touch wood — we’ve felt reasonably safe and comfortable since our last redecorating effort. ![]() The Guy From The Internet A sweet romance with a touch of family drama. Holly Chee does not have her life together. She's flip-flopped on uni courses and career choices, and somehow scared off her long-term fiancée-to-be, much to the chagrin of her immigrant parents. But she does have her streaming channel, where she broadcasts her art from her one-bedroom Mount Lawley apartment. And she has that guy from France... assuming he's even who he says he is. "The Guy From The Internet" is a sweet #OwnVoices Asian-Australian romance novella, set in the world of Somerville Downs. * Contains mild swearing, multicultural language, alcohol use, and references to workplace harassment and infidelity. Available now on Amazon Excerpt Afterwards, when Jed asks to see my phone, I know exactly what she’s looking for. I mangle my quiche while pulling up the latest photo from Florian saved in my gallery. I’ve looked at that photo at least seventy-four times since he sent it, and it still makes my heart flutter. His steely eyes, soft features, light brown skin and a splash of freckles across his nose—my boyfriend is crush material. His hair’s shorter than usual in this photo. It’s a recent change, one of many he says he’s ready to make. A fresh look and a fresh start away from Paris is only the beginning. Jedda gives a long hum of approval. “My girl, he is a looker. Is he mixed?” “Both his parents are. On his dad’s side, his granddad is Scottish, and his grandma’s from Mali. His mum’s dad’s from South America, and her mum is from the same place in China as my mum’s family. Not that it’d make much difference to my folks.” “Oh yeah? Are they a bit…” She gesticulates with a grimace. “You know?” “Maybe. I don’t know; we’ve never really talked about it. But they loved Nick so much and kept going on about how he’s such a good Chinese boy. I think they’d definitely have a problem with me bringing home anyone who wasn’t exactly like him—looks and all.” We’re interrupted by a ruckus starting in the middle of the dance floor. “Great. There’s a nope.” Jed hands back my phone. “Sounds like it’s all kicking off over there.” “What do you mean? They’re just dancing.” “No, not there. Over there.” She points my chin at the other end of the room. Not far from the Christmas tree, a small group of new call centre recruits are reluctantly entertaining a familiar, unwelcome face. Their polite smiles, nervous sipping and uncomfortable glances around the room say plenty. I feel sick. “You coming, Hol? Actually…” She puts a hand on my shoulder. “Don’t worry about it. I got this.” My heart pounds as I watch Jeds walk their way. My stomach does a huge flip. I try telling myself it’s the champagne and canapés, but I know deep down it’s not. Once she disappears into the crowd, I slip my shoes back on and get out of there as fast as I can. A Bit More About Birdie Song Birdie Song is an Asian-Australian romantic who writes sweet stories about people falling in love. She believes love is more important than labels, integrity is our most attractive quality, and that no one should be judged for putting pineapple on a pizza. Find out more here ●Newsletter ●Website ●Blog 11/4/2020 06:30:23 pm
I LOVE pineapple and mushrooms on my pizza too! 11/4/2020 09:59:52 pm
Yes, Pam, YES!!! In my opinion, all the cool kids are in pineapple club :D Thank you so much for the well wishes. Hope you're having a great day. 11/4/2020 09:59:00 pm
Thank you so much for having me, D.V.! This was a fun interview to answer!
D. V.
11/5/2020 08:55:54 am
It was my pleasure. Thanks for letting us peek. Comments are closed.
October 2021